December 2023 - Research
RJS conducted a landmark research project on the “Efficacy of Coaching Refugees on Their Well-Being and Employability” in Athens, Greece.
Led by two researchers, Olympia Kaminiota, Ph.D. who works as a researcher for the Department of Labor in Greece, and John Ford, Ph.D. the former head of business and technology and Professor on Research Methodologies at Webster University in Athens, Greece.
As part of this research project, Refugee JumpStart Coaching received a $725,000 grant to house 42 refugees in Athens for one year, including utilities. These recognized refugees were screened for their fluency in English, educational levels of bachelor’s degrees or higher, and/or for significant work experience.
The question being studied was: “If refugees have their rent and utilities paid for a year, would those who also receive coaching, do better in moving forward in their careers and lives than those who just received rent and utilities?
The Experimental Group, consisting of 21 participants, received 8 coaching sessions. The global group of 12 pro bono coaches (mostly certified by the International Coaching Federation) helped them focus on their career objectives, identify and leverage their strengths, keep them accountable and in action, and provide them with job search support, including creating a LinkedIn profile, enhancing their CVs and interviewing skills.
After the research, the 21 refugees in the control group—who just received housing—could then also take advantage of the coaching offered to the experimental group.
We will be concluding the study in the next few months, so stay tuned!