Reframing the Refugee Journey as a Valuable Asset for Employers
At the annual World Economic Forum in Davos in January, hiring trends and resilience took center stage, highlighting a key insight: Resilience is one of the most sought-after qualities in today’s workforce.
What is RJS’s “Secret Sauce” for Coaching Refugee Clients?
What makes Refugee JumpStart Coaching’s program so unique? Why were we selected to win the ICF 2024 Social Impact Award by the International Coaching Federation(ICF)-- chosen from among dozens of other organizations globally?
“Getting” the Refugee Journey at a Deeper Level
In the eight years that I have been volunteering or working with refugees, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of refugee mindsets, challenges and refugee journeys.
Executive Director Reflections on the US Elections
As an American who grew up believing in the promise of our country as a place that strives for a fair, just and equitable future for all, these recent election results were a political earthquake and felt like a punch to the gut.
Refugee JumpStart Coaching Wins ICF’s First 2024 Global Social Impact Award!
Refugee JumpStart Coaching (RJS) has received the International Coaching Federation’s first Global Social Impact Award for its impactful work empowering refugees to rebuild careers and thrive in new communities.
We’re All About Changing the Story
Refugee stories are often filled with loss, grief and trauma. For many, their difficult journeys to safety cause them to be trapped in a bad story-- a story of fear, sadness, hopelessness, and lack of agency.